Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Made of Honor

Like so many other things in the world, the romantic comedy requires a little tact. Sadly this one does a gender swap on My Best Friend's Wedding and while in a sense it works, it also feels tired and overdone.

On a twist of roles we have a man who is a womanizer and he falls for his best female friend when she decided to go to Scotland for a trip. She comes back and she is engaged and asks our hero to be her maid of honor.

Yes, it sounds dumb and it is a dumb idea. But then we get the cute little scenes where he tries to dig up dirt and of course we get the happy ending with bunnies, rainbows and flowers.

Are you a woman? Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? How about, are you a gay man? Are you in love with McDreamy? If you answered yes to any of those things then see the movie. otherwise avoid it because it's nothing special or even worth the time.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - **/ 5

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