Friday, September 26, 2008

Joy Ride 2 (advance bonus review)

I love the original Joy Ride. A total guilty pleasure and I'm okay with admitting I own it and have seen it a number of times. I was actually excited for this sequel despite going DTV (which is rarely a good sign. Thankfully the film could have been a theatrical release if it wasn't for the iffy last 10 minutes or so (shot wise, special effects and basic plot problems).

It's a shame to because I'd almost say this is better than the original. Four friends end up "borrow" a vehicle for a quick JoY Ride and they piss off Rustynail, a truck driver. It's a simple plot but it becomes a game of cat and mouse (much like the original) but instead it's way more deadly and the games and gore are pretty good. The rod scene looks a bit fake but oh well.

I'd highly recommend this to fans of the original or someone looking for a decent thriller. It's better than a lot of the stuff we've gotten in the theater this year.

Entertainment Value - 3.5 /5

Movie - 3.5 /5

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