Thursday, October 30, 2008


After seeing the trailers for Blindness I was claiming it as the second coming of Children of Men. The film that will take all the Oscars or be robbed of them. Then I saw the film and really couldn't care less now.

The acting is decent to bad, more decent than horrid but still, it's not good to have terrible actign in spots.

The plot is inetresting. So much so that I think I'd rather check the novel out. Imagine if a white blindness hit and made almost everyone in the world blind (or somewhat close to it) and you're the only seeing person (because of your husbands blindness) and you lead them through their life.

It's an interesting concept but it never seems to know what it wants to be. Soft core porn? A little adult Salo going on. It feels all over the place and the pacing makes this 2 hour movie feel like 5.

it's a shame to because the plot is inetresting at first and then just dies away. I say give this one a pass.

Entertainment value - 1/5

movie 1/5

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