The past few spoofs have been horrid to say the least. Date Movie made no sense at all and felt like a bunch of SNL skits. Then we got Epic Movie which as a whole wasn't too horrible but wasn't good either. So when I saw there was a Meet the Spartans a tiny bit of me died.
And here we are. I started this Friday which a giant turd. There I said it, the movie sucks. Did I laugh yes but it was exactly funny stuff. Do you imagine Carmen Electra turning into Venom and beating up a guy who can turn into sand funny? How about when he's turned to sand and a cat poops in him? Or how she sucks him up with a vacuum cleaner?
None of it is funny. That Britney Spears scene? It goes on forever and then we get K-Fed, American idol, Sangia or however you spell him name and it gets even worse.
But wait, it gets worse. The Spartans are all flaming homosexuals (NOTE: Nothing wrong with homosexuals). In fact there is a scene when they head off to war, hold hands and sing I Will Survive and dance there way out to war. Not only that but they claim that to shake a hand is how woman great and spartan men kiss other men as a greeting.
Oh yes, it's that bad. Then imagine a dance off ala You Got Served and then the guy from Borat ripping a nipple off.
Does any of this sound funny? If it is then maybe you need to find a mental institute because you need some serious help.
Please don't support this film. I can't imagine the others doing well enough to warrant this "sequel" but then when product placement is shoved down your throat (thanks gateraid, Apple, and the countless other company's that sold their soul to this piece of shit film.
Entertainment Value: **/ 5
Movie: 1/2* / 5