Friday, January 25, 2008

Mad Money

I enjoy almost anything Queen Latifa is in and I adore Katie Holmes (except the icky Tom Cruise factor). So I knew I had to see this film even if critics hated it.

Granted this isn't the Ocean's film but you can't go int thinking that. It's a light hearted chick flick that the young and old can enjoy.

The plot is simple, the characters are likable enough (although Holmes character is a bit different and kind of eh. Basically three people who work fro the federal reserve decide to steal money. The plan isn't all the complicated but it's the interactions that make the entire film to be some friendly.

On one hand I can admit I enjoyed the film for what it was but I could have lived without seeing it in the theater. I'll probably grab the dvd once it hits the 9.99 and under price spot. I'd say save your money unless you're going on a date or you're someone older looking for a few laughs for you and your girlfriends.

Entertainment Value: ***/ 5

Movie: ** 1/2/ 5

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