Monday, January 28, 2008

Bucket List

The trailers for Bucket List made it look like a sappy little flick to bring tears to your eyes. Sometimes I'm in the mood for that but maybe I wasn't when I watched this.

The cast does a fine enough job, Nicholson kind of overpowers his own role and takes it a bit too seriously. Freeman does a fine job as well and seems out be the more stable actor here.

The film follows two dying men who have created a bucket list. It's a list of things they want to do before they kick the bucket. It's a decent idea and all but as I watched the film I realized everything I saw in the previews were what was in the film.

I can't say it's a bad film though. I was slightly entertained by it and maybe it was because of the actors because the movie as a whole isn't all that grand and while I haven't seen this idea before it does feel like retreaded territory.

Entertainment Value - ** 1/2 / 5

Film - ** 1/2 / 5

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