To be honest I have no real recollection of seeing the original Step Up but I know I did as it's not on my too see list and it came out when I worked at a rental store.
So the question is, will I remember Step Up 2? Well, hell no. It's a rather forgettable hip-hop dance film and it sticks with the typical garbage we get fed every week this year so far.
However we get some awesome dialog like "This isn't High School Musical". Erm... Yeah....
The dance moves are fairly entertaining though so that's a plus. The story is the typical token white chick in a black suburb who needs to lie about x and x and gets into dancing and blah blah blah. This crap is tiresome.
Okay, so here's how you know if this movie is for you. Do you like teen dance films? If the answer is yes then by all means run out and witness this masterpiece that I'm sure it will be in your eyes. If your answer was no then by all means skip this run of the mill film.
It's nothing new. It's nothing special and it does absolutely nothing interesting but I can't deny the dance moves were some what entertaining.
Entertainment Value - 2/5
Movie - * 1/2 / 5
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