I actually watched this film a few days ago but I just couldn't bring myself to review it. Want the low down? Read my First Sunday review and you pretty much have the same idea here.
Roscoe Jenkins is a super duper famous person but he's heading home with his witch of a girlfriend and his son to a family reunion of sorts. haven't we been here before? Wasn't it two years ago when we got Madea's Family Reunion?
Imagine that film but with super smart comedy like fart jokes and men falling onto logs. Yes, isn't that funny? Well, if this was a kids movie then I'd let it pass. Hell I still pop in the animated film "Flushed Away" just to watch the poor mouse get hit in the nads about 6 times in a row and laugh my ass off.
However, this is a more ugh "mature" comedy and not geared exactly like kids so the toilet humor just shouldn't be here. Not only that but the music is so typical and cliched that I almost couldn't bare it.
To add more salt to this open bleeding wound we have a run time that's close to the 2 hour mark. 2 hours and no laughs later I was ready to quit my challenge. How can we possibly keep getting all of these wretched films one after another.
At least this week looks better with Jumper and Spiderwick (and yet me get Step Up 2 as well....)
Entertainment Value - 1/2 / 5
Movie - */ 5
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