Monday, July 14, 2008

Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (BONUS REVIEW)

I'll admit it, the original film is totally awesome. The shower scene, the bugs, the actions. Just plain ole kick ass movie. I never saw the second film as I heard it sucked hardcore.

With returning cast members from the original I just had to see this third film. Got my hands on an advance copy and while it isn't up to snuff with the original and it has it's fair share of direct to video poo, it's still an entertaining film.

A little heavy in it's political and religious themes the film still bares a resemblance to the original more so than the sequel but still has some iffy cgi moments.

While it's worth a single viewing by fans of the series and genre, I doubt anyone else will care to ever see the film and that's okay ebcause they don't need to. I'd give it a rent though if you're a sci-fi fan or wait for the sci-fi channel to air it because it is worth seeing once. I just wouldn't rush out and buy it on the day it comes out.

Entertainment Value - 3/5

Movie - 2/5

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