Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hamlet 2

Hamlet 2 makes me realize a couple things about the people who live in America. First of all, this film is marketed solely for the song Rock me Sexy jesus, yes it's funny, but it sets the whole movie up as the next Juno or Miss Sunshine. The problem is that it's neither of those films.

Hamlet 2 is a spoof of the school movies like Dangerous Minds and the other crap. It really does try to be it's own film and you have to give it credit for that. The problem is that the acting is a little too off the wall bad and I know it's on purpose because I know Coogan is a better actor than this.

It's one thing to be over the top but the film almost fails at it. I was the only person in the theater hooting at half of the stuff in the movie, which I found funny but maybe it's because I'm a movie buff.

The other problem is that I work with people who actually asked me "There's a Hamlet 1?" Really? You so did not just ask me that did you? I personally have never read Hamlet, I saw a film of it but I at least know what it is. Isn't Hamlet a staple of all high schools required reading anyway?

Either way hamlet tries and it does have heart, in the end anyway. Some might be offended by the latio, jew and jesus jokes but you know what, get the fuck over it. You're religion and ethnic background isn't the only thing that is ever made fun of.

I can't give the film a whole hearted recommendation but I enjoyed it for what it was. See it if you want but it might be more suited for a dvd viewing.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 2.5 /5

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