Tuesday, August 19, 2008


In a year of weak horror films like Prom Night, we have gotten some good R rated horror films. Hell, I'm amazed we've gotten any r rated horror films. Mirrors had some terrible trailers. it looked stupid and I had no inetrest in ever seeing it really.

Then a co-worker said it was really good and didn't have ana ss ending (get a clue Ruins). So I watched the film. It's actually really good. Not best horror film ever but still good.

Cheap scares are here but it's the gore that is bad ass. There is one scene that is really kind of sick and really took it to that grotesque area that few films are even able to reach.

Even the ending is half way decent without me groaning horribly and lets face it, most horror films have horrid endings lately. So I give this a full recommendation and it just might be the best horror film of 2008.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - 4/5

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