Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Marley & Me

This is my official last review of 2008. A DTV might slip in, or a limited release or an advance review but this is it folks. The final 2008 film release review. And what's funny is the fact that I didn't want to see this movie.

I dislike Owen Wilson with a passion. To look at him I become annoyed so right there the film had that going against it. Plus everyone ruined the ending for em so I knew what was to come and cursed the parents dragging there small children to this.


This film contains skinny dipping and baby making. It's not for your god damn pre-schoolers. Yes it has a fucking dog but don't be stupid cunts.

So anyway, the film is actually pretty good. It flows nicely for something that's almost 2 hours long. it tugs at the hear strings and Aniston gives a solid performance and WIlson is far from being overly annoying.

I'd actually recommend this one as either a rental or theatrical viewing but for the love of god don't bring your stupid children. It's not a movie for them.

So there you have it. Actually ended the year with a half way decent film. Way to go Fox!

Entertainment Value - 3/5

Movie - 4/5

NOTE: top 10 and bottom 10 film list to come in the enxt few days.

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