Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hot off the heals of a Golden Globe nomination I get my hands on this film. It's still in limited release and I don't see it advancing past that unless it gets an Oscar nomination.

Milk tells the story of a gay man who rises to power in California (I think). The trailers turned me off with Penn's stereotypical homosexual acting. Perhaps the man really acted that way in real life so I'll give Penn the benefit of a doubt.

To be fair though I never heard of this story. It wasn't something that was brought up in school but hey American schools go out of the way to ignore the stuff that might put a damper on the countries reputation.

Anyway, the performances are actually really solid, despite the flamboyant acting of Penn, whom is nominated for best actor at the Golden Globes. It's a well made film to be honest.

Did nothing wrong, tells a story that hasn't been told yet. Is it best picture worthy? Not really, it doesn't bedazzle the viewer in any way. But whatever, give it a viewing on dvd for sure and if it hits the cinema near you, check it out as well.

entertainment value - 3/5

Movie - 4.5 /5

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