Saturday, April 19, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

The little comedy team continues to chug along after their success with Knocked Up and Superbad. This film continues the trend of a funny film with likable people.

It's hard to take a slightly annoying weak character and make him likable in his depression. But I think the girl from That 70's Show (Jackie) does a great job and saves the film. Her character is likable beyond that of any I've seen but everyone is likable in their own way. Not only that but the acting is pretty good, except that of Sarah marshal as it seems like she keeps playing a bad actress in a tv show and I'm sure she is capable of more but she seems stuck in a rut and doesn't understand how to do two characters.

The comedy is pure and funny. We have a fair amount of full frontal male nudity and the female nudity is nowhere to be seen for the most part. The story follows a song writer whose girlfriend has left him for a hip rocker from the UK. After months of whining and crying he decided to go to Hawaii for a vacation but soon finds out Sarah is staying in the same hotel.

It's funny throughout the entire thing but the heart also shows through the sometimes vulgar jokes. I highly recommend this film and this month is shaping up to be the best of 2008 outside of perhaps May.

Entertainment Value - 5/5

Movie - **** / 5

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