Friday, April 4, 2008


If George Clooney took a 2 hour shit, I'd watch it. Seriously, he's in my top 3 actors of all time and I try to see everything he does. When he writes and directs a film then I just know I have to see the film.

Well, this is by far the best comedy of 2008 so far and it does not have a fart, burp, poop or pee joke. What a surprise. Actually, the film is refreshing but be warned, your audience will be using walkers.

But that is okay because I haven't laughed this much since Over Her Dead Body which in retrospect wasn't all that funny (and it contained fart jokes). The film uses a slapstick approach and it just works and it's a refreshing take than the crap we have been given lately.

The entire cast does a great job and while I'm not a Zellwigger fan she brings a lot of life to the film. I was actually expecting a lot more football but the film seems a little light on that and worries more about its characters.

The film also has a satisfying ending and pretty much ties up everything with no real plot holes. I highly recommend this film to anyone whose a fan of the cast or just looking to enjoy a 2 hour comedy which doesn't feel that long.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - ****/5

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