Friday, April 4, 2008

The Ruins

A little over a year ago I read the novel "The Ruins". Not much later did the film get green lighted and went into production. The novel was dark and entertaining and I was ecstatic about the film.

Well, I've seen it and I must say it was worth the wait. For me anyway. You're going to either love this horror film or hate it. The ending felt rushed and I'm not sure if it was exactly like the novel which I will now have to re-read.

However, if you can look past that minor flaw you'll witness the best horror film since The Descent and they both have a common theme. Despair is the theme of this film. Five tourists go to a Mayan ruin off the beaten path only to be trapped there by some natives due to something within the ruins.

I'm being vague but if you've seen the previews then you know what is about to happen. The cast does an excellent job of provoking paranoia and dread. The finale (excluding the last 4 minuets or so) is sickening and intense.

Gore hounds will love the effects and finally this film has a few actual jump moments and you know it's good when the guy behind you curse for his own jumping. Horror fans owe it to themselves to see this film and it does the novel a great justice which I can't say often.

Entertainment Value - 5/5

Movie - **** 1/2 / 5

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