Friday, March 14, 2008

Bonneville (Limited Release Review)

It's funny that Bonneville got a limited release. It's one of those films that got good critical praise and has cast to drag every woman and older person right to the theater.

Well I finally got my hands on a copy which is still playing in a few select theaters and it seems to have no hope of actually getting a major theatrical release.

It's decent enough film though. Think Thelma and Louise without the depressing bits. It actually has a lot in common with that film, even a male hitchhiker.

Basically a woman's husband dies so they decide to take a trip before the funeral to remember him and themselves.

The cast really brings the film to life in a girls just want to have fun style but for just older women. And for the first time in years this is the first time seeing Kathy Bates that I didn't think of About Schmidt.

I wouldn't call it a masterpiece or one to really hunt down but it was worth the viewing once and as I said before older film fans and woman will get the most out of this chick flick.

Entertainment Value - 2.5 / 5

Movie - *** / 5

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