Friday, March 14, 2008

In Bruges (Limited Release Review)

In Bruge hit theaters a few weeks back as a limited release, which seems to be common as of late. It actually had some rather good reviews to boot so I sit here and ponder why these films get limited releases and I keep getting shit like College Road Trip?

Two men decide to hide out in Bruge. I really don't want to ruin anything so I'll say it also involves midgets and hitmen...

It's a dark comedy that is laugh out loud funny and the dialog is very witty. I haven't laughed this hard in a comedy all years.

The cast is good as well as we have my most hated actor (Collin Farrel) and the powerhouse known as Ralph Fiennes (whom I've met and he does indeed kick ass in person).

Fans of the black comedy genre (Death at A Funeral, Fargo, ect.) should try and find this playing at a theater enar them. Hopefully it comes to video soon because it's a shame that this film didn't get a full release.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - ****/ 5

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