Wednesday, March 12, 2008

College Road Trip

College Road Trip is a new comedy from Disney. As one can tell if they have read my reviews of the year so far that comedies have sucked a big one. They just haven't been funny and the ones geared towards African Americans have been some of the worst offenders, that and fart jokes.

Well, our little star of the hit tv show raven wants to go to college away from her police father so they embark on a road trip to see the college. Alone the way we meet the typical white folk who are so ZANY to the max. Played by that annoying Osmand guy.

Things only went downhill from there as Osmand and his movie daughter sing us annoying songs. But wait, what could be worse? Well, imagine our family getting on a bus with Japanese tourists who do karaoke! Oh it can only get better as ex-Raven's father wants her to remember their favorite song so she gets up in her slinky outfit and does a stiring rendition with the Japanese singing the chorus and her strutting her stuff down the middle aisle as if it was a cat walk.

One can only imagine how shit like this gets passed through the okay to release meter but then again the kids in the theater with me were hooting so perhaps if you're under the age of ten then you may enjoy this film. Parents should await the horrors as their children drag them to this crap. I say pass on all accounts either way, rent your kids the crappy Bee Movie, it won't kill any brain cells at least.

Entertainment Value - 1/5

Movie - * 1/2 / 5

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