Saturday, March 15, 2008


Any horror fan has to become a little excited when the man behind The Descent has a new film coming out. Previews made it out to be a cross between Mad Max and 28 Days later.

A epidemic has spread throughout Scotland and caused many people to die. It has now been quarantined and years have passed. Now a group of people have been hired to enter this banished region and try and find a cure. '

The plot really isn't all that important and it borrows for few common concepts from a few recent films but I won't name which as to not ruin anything.

The cast does a fine job you being either likable of bat shit crazy. The problem comes from the film not knowing what it's suppose to be. The beginning sets itself up as 28 Weeks later but the middle reminded me a little of Apocalypto and then the finale was very mad max inspired and while if each was taken as a single film it would have worked better than mixing them all together.

But none of that should matter because by the end of the movie I felt like I got my entertainment and money value from the film. It was highly enjoyable in a balls to the wall actionfest. Set your brain aside and enjoy the ride because it's the most fun I've had with a film since Cloverfield and it's been a long sad year thus far, best to enjoy the few good films as they come out.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - ****/ 5

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