Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I never heard of this film and passed it over as a direct to video movie. However I guess it isn't. It's an okay film. Based off a book of the same name by the guy who wrote Monster. I've read Monster but not House but let me tell you, 20 minutes into the film I realized how this movie was going to go.

I can respect that religious people want blood and guts as much as the next. Monster was a fine enough book if not for the heavy Catholic themes. Well, House, which is about a character named the tinman hunting two couples down in a house, could have been awesome and it does a few things okay.

Until the "plot twist" where it's revealed that OH MY GOD they are satanists!!!!... Yeah... Okay... Thanks for wasting my time...

Entertainment Value - 1/5

Movie - 2/5

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