Thursday, November 27, 2008

Passangers (limited release)

This movie came and went. It was a limited release with so little marketing I had only a vague remembrance of it. I wish it had stayed that way though because now I feel like I need my 90 minutes back.

It's not that it's a terrible film. No, it's just we've seen it fifty million times since The Sixth Sense (OMG SPOILERS) and frankly if you didn't see it coming then you're dumb.

The actors just fake their way through this, grin and bare it and move on. It won't be remembered, no one will go "dude/chick, you like so have to rent this" because no one will care. It exists and that's bad enough all on it's own.

entertainment value - 0/5

movie - 1/5

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