Sunday, August 31, 2008


What the hell? I never heard of this film, besides being on my list. A co-worker kept going on and on about it and how could I not have seen the bagillion ads for it?

Anyway, it was released, I viewed and now I write. Frankly, it's a run of the mill spy thriller. it tries so hard to keeps the viewer interested but I just didn't care.

No real reason I guess but maybe this theme is over done. We've seen it a few times this year, in different forms mind you. We have some good actors striving for gold and they do a fine job.

No real complaints besides the slight boredom problem. I wouldn't waste my money on a theatrical viewing but a rental might be worth your time.

Entertainment Value - 2.5 / 5

Movie - 2.5 /5

Friday, August 29, 2008

Where in the World is Osama Bin Ladan (Limited Release)

I wanted to see this opening day while i was in NCY but the cloest theater showing it was way too far out of my way so now many months later we have the dvd release and me being able to view the film.

I loved Super Size Me so I really had high hopes for this film. Maybe the marketing was wrong or maybe I was confused but the film has little to do with what one would assume and it's more of a political statement, and about our heroes near born child which during most of the film isn't born yet.

Either way I couldn't help but feel bored. Sure it has some funny bits but nothing amazing. It often goes towards the path of the cheese so even that hinders my view on it a little.

I can't recommend this one at all and that makes me rather sad. I guess it might be worth a viewing if that it's like your favorite genre but I'm giving this a total full fledged pass.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 1.5 /5

The Longshots

I don't like sports. Well, hockey amuses me with its violence. otherwise sports bore me to tears and the sappy crap films about them are even worse than watching Tiger Woods swing a stick at a ball for hours and hours.

Ice Cube has mean torturing us with crappy films, so unoirignal one questions how they got green lighted and then this turd comes out. Not only is the title so lame and feels like 1000000 other films but it some how fails to do anything remotely inetresting.

The film isn't funny, it's not cute and cuddly and I'll admit it now but The game Plan was a million times better than this film. It actually feels like they didn't even try. Like they didn't want the film to be anything more than a steaming pile of nothing.

Avoid the film but hey... We all know what demographic this film is geared at... When's the next Tyler Perry film? He let's me down far less than ice Cube...

Entertainment Value - 1/5

Movie - .5/ 5

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hamlet 2

Hamlet 2 makes me realize a couple things about the people who live in America. First of all, this film is marketed solely for the song Rock me Sexy jesus, yes it's funny, but it sets the whole movie up as the next Juno or Miss Sunshine. The problem is that it's neither of those films.

Hamlet 2 is a spoof of the school movies like Dangerous Minds and the other crap. It really does try to be it's own film and you have to give it credit for that. The problem is that the acting is a little too off the wall bad and I know it's on purpose because I know Coogan is a better actor than this.

It's one thing to be over the top but the film almost fails at it. I was the only person in the theater hooting at half of the stuff in the movie, which I found funny but maybe it's because I'm a movie buff.

The other problem is that I work with people who actually asked me "There's a Hamlet 1?" Really? You so did not just ask me that did you? I personally have never read Hamlet, I saw a film of it but I at least know what it is. Isn't Hamlet a staple of all high schools required reading anyway?

Either way hamlet tries and it does have heart, in the end anyway. Some might be offended by the latio, jew and jesus jokes but you know what, get the fuck over it. You're religion and ethnic background isn't the only thing that is ever made fun of.

I can't give the film a whole hearted recommendation but I enjoyed it for what it was. See it if you want but it might be more suited for a dvd viewing.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 2.5 /5

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Brideshead Revisted (Limtied Release)

This film came out of nowhere. Saw it was playing and due to me being confused on times it was the only thing playing. I had read up on it the night before so I knew it was about love and religion. I like one and not the other.

Maybe it's the main characters thoughts and beliefs that struck me as my own but this is the first movie this year that screams for an Oscar nom and it's easily the best film of 2008 so far.

The acting is fantastic. The father figures are sarcastic to a fault and it had me laughing with their demeanor. The idea of the film is simple. Our main character wants to be a painter and heads off to school. He meets a man and they visit his home, Brideshead. There he finds out that the family is very Catholic and our guy falsl for his friends sister.

That's as vague as I can be without ruining anything. The plot flows and before I knew it the 2 hour 15 minute run time was over and I was sad to see it end. The ending itself is also very strong with a simple image leaving a lot up to the viewer to decide. Not as much as No Country For Old men so don't worry about being lost (or so my co-workers say about NCFOM).

Either way i highly recommend this film. If it's playing near you then do yourself a favor and check it out. You may not believe in what its saying or what it might say about your religion but it's still an engrossing tale.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - 5/5

Swing Vote

I enjoy most Costner films. Hell, The Postman was rather good IMO but one one of a few. This looked like an alright idea. A man is the deciding vote on who becomes president. It shows some funny ideas but the biggest flaws comes from me figuring the ending out right away because it's the only way it can end.

That's not fair though because the film has a lot going on. It's sub-plot feels more like the focus and maybe the intention of the film isn't as clear cut as one would think from it's theme and title.

The acting is good but Costner seems to like the white trash a bit too much and god some of those trailer images haunt me from friends houses during school. All in all I found the film enjoyable and regret not supporting it sooner. If your theater is still playing this then by all means check it out.

Entertainment Value - 3.5 /5

Movie 3.5 /5

My Sassy Girl (Bonus Review)

I love the original film. It's a total tear jerker with the cliff scene. I was torn when I heard this was being remade so here we are with it going direct to video, which is never a good thing.

The problem is that this film doesn't work here in the States. Plain and simple truth really. The female lead comes off as apeshit crazy rather than damaged goods. The lead is a total pansy this time, and the acting makes it almost painful.

Gone is the pure charm of the original film and while this one is still moderately funny, it isn't nearly as good as the original source material, yet it copies almost everything.

The original used a fun idea of the female lead writing crazy off the wall stories. in this she re-writes "classic" films. It's amusing but the acting is so bad (on purpose I hope).

I'm torn on even letting my co-worker borrow this as it kind of taints the original and the quirkyness comes off all wrong in this. Fans should avoid it but if the trailer amuses you then check it out and then see the original Korean version.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 2/5

Monday, August 25, 2008

Death Race

You can't help but love a Statham action flick. Well, I hated Crank but whatever. He's this total English badass and his films almost always have zero plot and tons of slick action.

The problem with Death Race is it attempts a plot and fails at every chance to surprise the viewer. I saw every twist coming and wasn't surprised by anything the film through at me.

What makes it worse is that while the racing is interesting, Speed racer did it much better this year. I was never on the edge of my seat with these races and to be honest there are thee whole races and none are very long.

What started this year with Doomsday, took a light heartened turn in Speed racer and now at a full 360 we have Death Race and it's a steady decline along the way. It's a shame too because this could have been very entertaining but it just msises the mark.

Entertainment value - 2/5

Movie - 2/5

Little Mermaid 3: Ariel's Begining (advance bonus review)

I'm a huge Disney fan, some may already know that. However I will agree that most, if not all, straight to video Disney films are crap. The second Ltitle Mermaid film wasn't too bad but come on, the prequels rarely work.

Well, this one is a little hit or miss. I liked hearing Ariel's backstory, while not all that inetresting it does show why Urs is such a bad woman in the first movie and explain s the king's attitude fairly well.

I doubt any animated musical about a mermaid can have songs as good as those in the original and these enw songs feel halfassed through and through. Most are short and while none are ear bleeding, they aren't all that good either and in no way stack up to those in the original.

The films saving grace is the nice animation. It's crisp and clean and all around looks great and for a direct to video film from Disney it's one of the better looking ones. While I won't run out and buy this day one, I will add it to my Disney collection at some point.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 2.5 /5

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Star Wars: Clone Wars

We all know the prequel trilogy was kind of crappy. Hell, it's some of the worst films to gross that much money. Anyway, this film didn't look good to em at all.

First of all the title alone is too stupid to be enjoyable. When it's four words long and two are the same word you just know you need a better title. The animation also looks piss poor. I never saw the animated tv show of this and I have no clue what kind of connection it has but I doubt it matters.

This is also one of the worst reviewed films of 2008... However I kind of enjoyed it, when I wasn't annoyed by it. Jabba's uncle has the most annoying voice acting, our female lead is by far the most annoying character ever so imagine a film filled with a ton of Jar Jar's. It feels like this film.

The action is pretty fun at times and the movie is short and moves smoothly. All in all it isn't the worst thing I've seen all year but I could have lvied without ever seeing it as well.

entertainment value - 2/5

Movie - 1.5/ 5

Scorpion King 2 (BONUS REVIEW)

Sure to be a cash in for The Mummy 3, Scorpion King 2 was something that kind of came out of nowhere. The original sucked as did the second Mummy film so why even bother with a prequel when it's characters aren't even in The Mummy 3?

Well, to be fair the film isn't that bad. it has a distinct B quality to it but some how the fighting is slightly inetresting and while the acting can be a miss at times, I still found myself enjoy this film.

This is actually a prequel of the original Scorpion king film and follows our hero as a small child to a teen and then ends around the time the original film started in.

Not a great film but fans might like it. It was worth my 90 or so minutes of time and I can't say that about many direct to video films. Give it a rent or wait for Scifi to air it in 5 months.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 2/5

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Camp Rock is the latest Disney musical from the Disney Channel. I love the cheese factor of both High School Musical films and can't wait for the third in theaters this fall.

So i was pumped for this one as well but after viewing ti I can't help but feel let down by the entire thing. The lip syncing is god awful and puts Ashley Simpson to shame. Not only that but the plot is a mix of Mean Girls and Confessions of a Teenager or whatever that other Lohan film was.

It's a bad film that is just plain bad unlike High School Musical which is wonderfully bad and fun, the songs in this are crap and well the whole thing is really kind of crappy.

Entertainment Value - 1/5

movie - 1/5


In a year of weak horror films like Prom Night, we have gotten some good R rated horror films. Hell, I'm amazed we've gotten any r rated horror films. Mirrors had some terrible trailers. it looked stupid and I had no inetrest in ever seeing it really.

Then a co-worker said it was really good and didn't have ana ss ending (get a clue Ruins). So I watched the film. It's actually really good. Not best horror film ever but still good.

Cheap scares are here but it's the gore that is bad ass. There is one scene that is really kind of sick and really took it to that grotesque area that few films are even able to reach.

Even the ending is half way decent without me groaning horribly and lets face it, most horror films have horrid endings lately. So I give this a full recommendation and it just might be the best horror film of 2008.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - 4/5

Tropic Thunder

I'm sure someone out there in the world thinks this is the funniest god damn movie they have ever seen. Theya re most likely an 11 year old. Frankly, while it is amusing at times, it's far from the funniest movie this year or even in the past few years.

While the action is silly and voer the top, as is the acting, the jokes either work or don't and most often they don't.

Want to know something funny? that readneck get'er done guy did this movie already. Delta Farce is the same movie but this one is actors and movie based. it's still the same load of shit.

And we got buzz about Tom Cruise in a surprise cameo. First of all, a cameo is a brief stint, he's in the movie way too much for a cameo, his makeup is so bad that it is obviously him from the second he is on screen and the embarrassing ending just goes to prove that Cruise is finally dead. THANK GOD!

Either way I can't recommend this to anyone/ Like the dipshit at work who asked me if the film was okay for his 12 year old, fuck no asshat. It has blood, lots of cursing and other lame shit so don't take your annoying children to this film.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 2/5

Friday, August 15, 2008

Under the Same Moon

This looked like one of those tear jerker films from the previews. Well, it kind of is but the film is flawed. The review for this is so late because it was a limited release and despite being in NY and LA when it was showing I didn't bother with it.

I'm glad I didn't, not because it's a bad film, but because the film feels unrealistic. it constantly creates unbelievable scenarios to put our little boy in trouble, it constantly fells wrong and actually, this film really reminds me of the film August Rush from last year but with more bad things happening to the lad.

The acting is all around fine. I found the subtitles funny on the dvd. It's a mostly Spanish film but the subs always say (spanish) when they are speaking spanish and translates the English as just normal subs... Maybe I ahd the wrong option selected but I found that funny anyway.

Again, it's not a bad film at all but it's a bit uninspired and too many scenes feel untrue to what would really happen. Might be worth a rent but I'm not giving it a full recommendation.

entertainment value - 2/5

movie - 2.5 / 5

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This film actually came to my theater but I never watched it. Hell, I had never heard of it and thus it wasn't counted in my release list.

Well, I am one to feel guilty. Plus this has Tim Allen and I'm a huge fan so in reality had this film been marketed correctly then maybe it would have made some money.

Anyway, Redbelt sort of reminds me of the film "Crash" not the sex crazed one but the racial tension one. It has no racial tension but it has that theme of choices. To cut this review a little shorter I'll just say the plot is pretty good.

Acting wise it's weird to see Tim Allen in a totally serious role but he does a great job with it (which I'm surprised about). There's one cast member who I didn't catch a name of but dear god she was horrid. Otherwise pretty good cast.

Redbelt had me entertained and it moved quickly so I never grew bored with it. Not the best movie ever but good enough to get a full recommendation from me.

Entertainment Value - 3.5/5

Movie - 3.5/ 5

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Shine A Light

This is perhaps my biggest let down of 2008 thus far. First it never came anywhere near em in the theater. I wasn't too surprised by this since it's a music documentary but hey, Hannah Montana stuck around for almost 2 months.

Then when I finally did see the movie I was bored to tears. I'm not a fan of the Rolling Stones but I'm not a Hannah monatan fan either and enjoyed that concert for what it was worth.

There's this odd moment early on involving the Clintons which felt tacked on. Come on Matry, love ya and all but seriously, was that needed? Anyway, it's one of the more boring docs I've ever seen and while I'm a fan of Marty's The last Waltz this felt too less than professional for it's own good. At times the film is grainy and the footage of Marty seems hyper active.

Maybe fans of the band will get more from it but Keith Richards scares me and the odd homoerotic dance moves during a song near the end kind of frightened me as well. I really don't need to see a 70 year old thrust his groins at me.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

nmovie - 1/5

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Step Brothers

I dislike Farrel but I like Riley so this had a 50/50 chance with me loving or hating it.

Oddly enough it falls somewhere in between there. The plot is stupid, think Billy Madison stupid. Two single parents get married and both their kids still live at home, despite being in their late 30's early 40's. Both sleep walk and then they become best friends because they have so many things in common.

The laughs are pretty good but they aren't a constant with the film and with about 1/3 of the jokes flaling flat it becomes kind of boring at times but thankfully I did laugh a fair amount and enjoyed myself.

Not the best comedy, not the best script but it was decent. I'll most likely never watch it again but hey, I laughed...

Entertainment Value - 3/5

Movie - 3/5

Seed (advance bonus review)

Seed is the latest Uwe Boll film and it's sadly going direct to video. A number of reasons this had to be direct to video, I'm sure but that doesn't matter.

People may hate on Boll but I like him. This didn't look too good to me though but it was nothing like I expected. It's very bloody at times but we rarely see the actual acts taking place.

The entire first part of the film is trippy and disjointed. I was rather confused for a while. There's even a scene where a baby starves to death in front of you. The film is filled with some disturbing tones and visuals. The ending itself left me feeling kind of empty. I guess I was expecting something else to happen than what really does.

Either way I say give this a rent if it's your genre type. A little crime thriller with a serial killer. Kind of reminded me of Zombie's Halloween remake.

Entertainment Value - 2.5/5

Movie - 2.5/5

Pineapple Express

I'm not a drug user. I tend to find pot films unfunny. I had faith in this one though as it has my beloved team (Knocked Up, Superbad) behind it so it couldn't be horrible, right?

Well, if I judged the film by the first half hour I'd say it was one of the lamest movies this year but then once they enter the woods and then the apartment fight happens the films does a 180 and becomes pretty good.

The characters are likable, to an extent and the gags are pretty damn funny as it goes along. What makes the film even better is that the action is pretty good. Even the hand to hand fighting is good because it isn't super awesome kung fu but something that a lame ass stoner would really try and pull off.

Not the funniest film of the year or funniest from the team, it's actually the weakest, but it's still a pretty good film. Worth a viewing at least once.

entertainment value - 3/5

Movie - 3/5

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

This movie looked like ass from the previous. It seemed to have jumped 15 or so years into the future and has a cast change. Plus Fraiser isn't as fit as he once was and looks a bit silly. Oh and did I mention this has an Asian twist to it because The Mummy is like so Asian.

Anyway, beside the silly shit, this film was really kind of fun. I wouldn't say better than the first but it's over the top fun, a decent way to start off August that's for sure. The action is solid and despite the Yeti scene being out of palce it's pretty damn badass.

The cast does a fine enough job. Running the fine line of camp and bad but never crossing it. I would actually buy this movie. there I said it. I'd buy a shiny bluray disc of this film because it's enjoyable and god I can't believe I'm saying that. So give it a viewing in your local theater unless you have a kickass home theater.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - 3.5/5

Get Smart

This film has taken me since it's release to finish it. Not that it's a bad movie but because I had that hard of a time finding a working version of it and having seen half I wasn't willing to drop the cash to see it in my theater.

Don't get em wrong, it's a pretty decent movie. It has some really funny bits and the action is really kind of good and it's something I wasn't expecting.

Acting wise the actors bring their characters to life except The Rock who just needs to stop acting, or whatever it is he does. Seriously, he's terrible in everything I've seen him in.

All in all Get Smart is one of the few movies based on a TV show that is actually kind of good. Not great mind you but it's worth a single viewing I think. Steve fans should also enjoy it as it's the perfect role for him.

Entertainment Value - 3.5/5

Movie - 3.5/5

Friday, August 1, 2008

Space Chimps

I broke down and saw this because it's been out for a week and is only showing on half a screen and I doubt I'll be able to get my hands on this film by any other means than paying to see it.

It's always a bad sign when I've never seen a preview for a film. I did play through the subpar video game though and I'll admit I was surprised that it was a movie based game.

Anyway, the film is about this spaceship that lands on a distant planet and an evil alien uses it to enslave the planet. Back on Earth NASA decides to send chimps into space as they aren't sure if humans will survive the wormhole the previous ship went into.

The humans find the grandson of the most famous space chimp ever and force him into space, even though he works in a circus. Frankly the plot is ass. It has throw away characters and the animation is some of the worst I've seen in a long time.

The alien planet is sickeningly bright and colorful with some of the worst alien designs I've ever seen. Not only that but rest of the movie looks like ass and the film has so many bad stereotypes that I can't imagine why the actors agreed to do it. The African American circus ringmaster was the most offense stereotype I think.

And yet I some how found myself laughing at this film. It wasn't exactly funny but it wasn't me laughing at how bad it is either. Kind of an in between I guess and thus I can't get it my original score of 0 but I kind of enjoyed it in a weird sort of way so...

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 1/5

August Release Dates

August looks pretty meh to me and I'm behind due to crappy kids movies leaving before I could see them. Here we get the August Rush, the films that normally would vanish if released during the best part of the summer so they get released in the first dead month leading to the Oscar race.

1st - The Mummy: tomb of the Dragon Emperor
1st - Swing Vote
8th - Pineapple Express
8th - Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
15th - Star Wars: Clone Wars
15th- Tropic Thunder
15th - Mirrors
22nd - Death race
22nd - The House Bunny
22nd - The Rocker
22nd - The Longshots
29th - Disaster Movie
29th - Babylon A.D.
29th - College
29th - Traitor