Friday, October 3, 2008


I want to thank the makers of this film because if it wasn't for this film I wouldn't have found Jesus. Yes, it's only be out a week but ti made me realize the importance of having Christ as my one and only savior.

If you haven't seen this film then you are already a sinner and will be banished to the pits of hell where you belong. The film is about a married couple. The wife wants to leave him (he's the dude from family ties or growing pains or something). And he turns to christ to help him find his way and win his woman back. Such a beautiful and touching story.

If you believed that load of shit then you should die. This film is horrid,shoves Christ down your throat and wants you to take it like a god damn porn star. The writing is trite and riddled with cliches. The audience I saw this with loved it, laughed at the lameass jokes and were pleased when he was saved by Christ.

So FUCK YOU JESUS FREAKS. Crap like this needs to stay out of the theaters, I have no problems with religious films but these holy roller ones suck ass. Keep it at your church meetings.

entertainment value - 0/5

movie - 0/5

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