Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sex Drive

I had a vague inetrst in this film. It looked like Road Trip which I actually enjoyed a lot. During my Katie stalking attempt 3 I decided to see this in NYC ($12 for a mat is absurd).

Anyway, while it wasn't worth the $12 admission it's a pretty good film. It does a lot right. The jokes come often and while some things become predictable or a bit too silly, it never takes itself too serious.

I laughed a lot, the audience as a whole laughed a lot and you can't really ask for much more from a comedy. The film contains a poop joke but no fart joke so that is a plus.

Either way I'd recommend this for a quick viewing in the theater or wait for video but it was still fairly amusing.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

movie - 3.5 /5

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