Friday, October 24, 2008

Saw V

Let me give you a brief run down of my Saw addiction. I've seen them all on opening day. Not only that but I hated the first one, it's a terrible film that is liked because of it's ending because the writing and acting are some of the worst to grace the sivlerscreen ever. Thought manos was bad? See the first Saw film.

I then lvoed Saw 2 and 3. 4, while good, was a bit too confusing for its own good. V picks up seconds after the 4th one ended and this time around it's kind of like a game of cat and mouse. Fine says I but the problem is that the trap hallway feels stupid and one character does something early on and then fucks it up for no reason.

The biggest flaw is the ending which is so full of ass words can't begin to describe it. The poster claimed it was an ending you couldn't believe. Yeah, I can't believe that was the ending because it ends out of nowhere, not even delivering a twist and then the credits roll and we wait a year for Saw VI, which is being casted via the VH1 show "Scream Queens", which is oddly enough highly amusing.

Entertainment value - 3/5

movie - 2/5

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