Thursday, April 3, 2008


Which such an original and thought provoking title one would say this was sure to be a masterpeice in the making. Actually the preview sums up the entire story in a nut shell minus the last 20 or so minutes but anyone could figure it all out.

Not that it's a bad movie mind you. It's actually some what decent if you're into these type of dramas but it's far from amazing or even all that interesting.

It does nothing to really insult the viewer and the performers give rather good performances. Seriously, have we ever seen Spacey do a poor performance? No but we've seen him do over the top in person but this is a fairly mellow role for me and a return to some what semi-evil roles he first started out doing.

I really don't know what else to say. it's a somewhat interesting story I'm sure most people have heard before and besides the acting it doesn't have much else going on. Maybe worth a rental but no theatrical viewing.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - ** 1/2 / 5

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