Friday, April 4, 2008

Stop Loss

This entire time I have reviewed movies in the order I saw them. I saw this after my next two reviews but I couldn't taint them by following them with this piece of shit.

I have seen pretty much every major theatrical release in the past 8 years. Not always in the theater but whatever. There has only been one instance of me walking out of a movie and I can't even remember what movie it was but I doubt I paid for it and if I did I must have gone to a different movie, thus my reason for forgetting it.

Well, I walked out of Stop Loss after its first hour. I have no clue how long the film is and frankly I don't give a damn. It's a waste of film, it's a terrible piece of shit that should have never been made.

You think Meet the Spartans sucked? Then you must realize this film is worse. I can not fathom why this was green lighted, why anyone wrote it, why anyone thought it would be a good idea to be in it and god damn does the director not realize he should stick to doing shitty videos for MTV (a name drop due to them releasing this piece of shit).

This film is such shit it doesn't even deserve an official rating.

Movie - 0/5

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