Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sex & The City

News flash, I'm a guy and I loved this television series. Sadly this film falls flat and it's because of a few different reasons.

First of all, it's too long with little to no substance to it, not that the show ahd any but really, there is only so much you can do with these characters.

Instead of creating something memorable we get a typical rehash of Sex events. Are we surprised with what happens at the wedding? No, I was actually glad but whatever. Then we just plummet down the road of tediousness, some brief nudity near the end and so few laughs it was like I wasn't watching something based on Sex & The City.

Maybe the female fans will eat this up but frankly it's rather mediocre and non-fans just won't get the enjoyment as the fans will as not everything is explained. All and all it's a mediocre effort but really, did we expect anything else?

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 2/5

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