Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bank Job (Advance Review)

Jason Statham is the best new action hero. His films walk the fine line of campyness and there were a few duds here and there.

Bank Job is something new for him as it's a more serious role. I really knew nothing of the film besides a brief trailer I saw a few weeks before.

Some guys break into a bank to steal a specific item. I won't go on as I don't want to accidentally ruin something. It's a simple enough plot but it's based on a true story, one I knew nothing of.

The acting is good and the movie flows at an entertaining pass so it never gets dull. The problem I had while watching the film was I kept expecting our famous entourage of actors to pop in and make this a blockbuster mega hit but our Ocean's pals don't show up.

Instead we get a more realistic bank movie (more so than The Inside Man) and it does a good job of creating tension when there isn't enough time for thrills.

I can't really recommend this as a theatrical experience but it's worth a viewing at some point. So this is a nice way to start March off, hopefully it remains this way... Yeah right....

Entertainment Value - 3/5

Movie - *** 1/2 / 5

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