Monday, March 3, 2008


Some one needs to just bitch smack me. Why am I torturing myself with this blog. These god damn comedies are driving me insane. They aren't good, they actually suck more so than any other year I can remember.

So let's see. Does this film contain a fart joke? Well I don't remember actually. hell for a second there I forgot what I was revieiwng.

The latest film up for slaughter is Semi=pto. The trailers looked terrible and the thought of wasting 90 minutes of my life on this film scared me. However for my not so loyal readers I suffered for you.

The film isn't funny, Ferrell falls flatter than normal and the entire film was a bore moreso than funny. yes, it has a few laughs, mainly the entire bear fiasco and well nothing else. The laughs are too far and few between. Even Farrell fans might be let down by this one.

Entertainment Value - 1 / 5

Movie: - 1/ 5

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