Sunday, January 4, 2009

Defiance (limited release advance review)

The previews for this looked good and I like Craig and Schievber (whom every time I see in a movie flashback to hitting him with my camera). The film is nothing like I imagined. Maybe I thought it would be more of a war film, which is kind of is.

The cast is great despite the accents just seem a bit odd but everyone has the same thing going on so I'll just assume it's accurate. Either way the film works really well, tells an interesting story about 3 Jews who escape Poland and try to build a village in the forest.

It's another fine example of the studios holding out on the solid films and releasing crap for rest of the year. I'd recommend this one for a theatrical viewing, it may or may not be nominated for some Oscars, either way it's a solid film, one of a few from 2008.

Movie - 4.5 /5

Recommend: Yes

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