Monday, January 26, 2009

Let the Right One In

I heard of this film a little while back and then forgot about it. It recently popped up in my browsing of the IMDB top 250, which it is part of as of this writing so I had to watch it. It's said to be a great film, way better than the crapfest known as twilight.

I like vampires. I think the mythos are awesome so I was hoping this was more than a sappy love story and thankfully it is. Oskar is a 12 year old boy who gets bullied every day, his parents are split and he ahs no friends. Suddenly a strange girl moves in next door, she never comes out during the day, she pukes when she eats normal food and she's just odd all around.

I wasn't wowed by the cinematography, it's good but not omg that was so amazing. Of course I'm shallow and find a few shots in the texas Chainsaw Massacre remake to me awe inspiring so who am I to judge such things I guess.

The acting is good, the plot continues to be inetresting the whole time. My problem comes from a lack of delivering the entire plot from the novel (which I haven't read). If this was done the nudity scene would make more sense and as it stands it's so quick you have no clue what you just saw and you can miss a huge part of the film. I shouldn't have to hunt around on-line for the answers and then be shocked by them that way.

But still it's a very solid film. I was engrossed the entire time and I'd recommend it for sure. The dvd is due in March and the remake (oh yay....) is due in 2010. I'm sure it will suck so do yourself a favor and check out this film and keep wikipedia handy for explanations.

Movie - 4/5

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