Friday, January 23, 2009

Waltz with Bashir (limited release)

This film had a lot of buzz going for it. Within the first few seconds I knew I would love it only because the animation was so damn sexy. The color choices and the way every look is fantastic. It uses the same style of animation found in A Scanner Darkly which I also enjoyed.

The film is a documentary and follows a man who has forgotten a certain moment in his life dealing with the war. So he sets out to talk to people he knew from that time frame to try and figure out what happened to him and why he can't remember. It's a great film really, I was very captivated by it and despite subtitles I had no trouble getting into it.

What Grave of the Fireflies did for Anime I think this film will do the same for a new generation because really it's a great film. In my top 10 for sure and glad I took the time to watch because it might have been one of those films I would have just passed over without thinking about. Hopefully it wins the best foreign film Oscar.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - 5/5

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