Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Alone in the Dark 2 (advance review - due in 2009 DTV)

Got my hands on this bad boy. I enjoyed the cheese factor of the original but hey I'm a Boll fan. With that being said Mr. Boll is only a producer of this title and it shows.

Any sign of awesomeness from knowing the hero from the games is in this movie should be thrown out the window because now he is Asian!!!! Okay, fine... Maybe it isn't that big of a deal.

An ancient key, a dream serer and other crap floods what one might call a plot but it's nothing. Nothing happens in the movie and it has nowhere to go but down.

Add to the fact that not only is the script god awful but the acting makes it some how worse. Thankfully the film does have some mild atmosphere and the special effects are okay but everything else is some of the worst I've ever seen. Avoid this film when it's finally released.

entertainment value - 0/5

Movie - .5 / 5

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