Friday, January 25, 2008


I'll admit it right here that I've only seen the very first Rambo film and that was within the past year. I do enjoy a kick ass action film though so I will admit my adrenaline was pumping when I went to see this.

Of course I fell asleep rather quickly in the film. The plot is painfully simple. Rambo is hired to take some people up the river, eh drops their ungrateful asses off, he heads home and half of them get slaughtered. Now Rambo is asked to lead some mercs up to rescue the survivors so it's 5 against hundreds.

Any red blood American male will love this film. Shit blows up and limbs go flying. With a death count that is almost to 300 there is a ton of violence to enjoy.

But there lies the problem with the film. The blood and guts is exaggerated so bad that any truth to it is gone. A claymore goes off an more than a mile radius is blown up. Yet no one really reacts to it.

Then we have the grand finale which is disgustingly brutal. People being disemboweled, heads blown in half, holes drilled into them. It's a ton of blood and as it splatters across the camera I couldn't help but wonder why I was watching this.

There is no point to the bloodshed. Hundreds of people die to save 5 people seems absurd and in the end it felt like I was watching Saving private Ryan all over again but with less of a cause of it all.

I can't recommend this film. It does offer a good amount of entertainment but not only is it over the top but in the end it's just soulless. But who am I kidding, a lot of the people in the audience were clapping and hooting after each fight sequence so by all means rot your brain some more but I'd rather watch this at home than on the big screen.

Entertainment value: ***1/2 / 5

Movie: **1/2 / 5

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