Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Brideshead Revisted (Limtied Release)

This film came out of nowhere. Saw it was playing and due to me being confused on times it was the only thing playing. I had read up on it the night before so I knew it was about love and religion. I like one and not the other.

Maybe it's the main characters thoughts and beliefs that struck me as my own but this is the first movie this year that screams for an Oscar nom and it's easily the best film of 2008 so far.

The acting is fantastic. The father figures are sarcastic to a fault and it had me laughing with their demeanor. The idea of the film is simple. Our main character wants to be a painter and heads off to school. He meets a man and they visit his home, Brideshead. There he finds out that the family is very Catholic and our guy falsl for his friends sister.

That's as vague as I can be without ruining anything. The plot flows and before I knew it the 2 hour 15 minute run time was over and I was sad to see it end. The ending itself is also very strong with a simple image leaving a lot up to the viewer to decide. Not as much as No Country For Old men so don't worry about being lost (or so my co-workers say about NCFOM).

Either way i highly recommend this film. If it's playing near you then do yourself a favor and check it out. You may not believe in what its saying or what it might say about your religion but it's still an engrossing tale.

Entertainment Value - 4/5

Movie - 5/5

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