Thursday, August 21, 2008

Star Wars: Clone Wars

We all know the prequel trilogy was kind of crappy. Hell, it's some of the worst films to gross that much money. Anyway, this film didn't look good to em at all.

First of all the title alone is too stupid to be enjoyable. When it's four words long and two are the same word you just know you need a better title. The animation also looks piss poor. I never saw the animated tv show of this and I have no clue what kind of connection it has but I doubt it matters.

This is also one of the worst reviewed films of 2008... However I kind of enjoyed it, when I wasn't annoyed by it. Jabba's uncle has the most annoying voice acting, our female lead is by far the most annoying character ever so imagine a film filled with a ton of Jar Jar's. It feels like this film.

The action is pretty fun at times and the movie is short and moves smoothly. All in all it isn't the worst thing I've seen all year but I could have lvied without ever seeing it as well.

entertainment value - 2/5

Movie - 1.5/ 5

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