Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tropic Thunder

I'm sure someone out there in the world thinks this is the funniest god damn movie they have ever seen. Theya re most likely an 11 year old. Frankly, while it is amusing at times, it's far from the funniest movie this year or even in the past few years.

While the action is silly and voer the top, as is the acting, the jokes either work or don't and most often they don't.

Want to know something funny? that readneck get'er done guy did this movie already. Delta Farce is the same movie but this one is actors and movie based. it's still the same load of shit.

And we got buzz about Tom Cruise in a surprise cameo. First of all, a cameo is a brief stint, he's in the movie way too much for a cameo, his makeup is so bad that it is obviously him from the second he is on screen and the embarrassing ending just goes to prove that Cruise is finally dead. THANK GOD!

Either way I can't recommend this to anyone/ Like the dipshit at work who asked me if the film was okay for his 12 year old, fuck no asshat. It has blood, lots of cursing and other lame shit so don't take your annoying children to this film.

Entertainment Value - 2/5

Movie - 2/5

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