Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!

I admit it. The original film was so bad that it was piss your pants funny. This sequel, which did get a limited theatrical release goes way over the top with our lads going to some gay weekend in Fort Lauderdale where they ened to fuck as much as possible and collect stamps, the winner will get a crown for gay gone wild!!!!

It's all pretty lame and for the longest time I didn't find it as funny as the original, maybe because this one tries to be more original but then a musical number about golden showers came out of nowhere, followed by a zombie Thriller dance rape scene which was totally wtf.

Yes, it's funny, yes it sterotypes and has Perez Hilton but it isn't for anyone. Unless your gay you won't love this film and this is coming from a straight guy who found the original to be hysterical. Oh well...

Entertainment Value - 1/5

Movie - 1.5 /5

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