Sunday, December 28, 2008

Taken (Advance Review - due to hit US cinemas on 1-30-2009)

I had never heard of this film but someone mentioned it was coming out in the USA in theaters at the end of January 2009 so I figured I should just buy the dvd since it's out in the UK.

I like Liam Neeson. I think he's a great actor actually. He does a fine job here, as does everyone else. The girl who plays his daughter was very good too with her limited screen time.

The film is about a girl who is taken while traveling in Europe and thankfully her father has the skills, friends and the know how to find her but he only has 72 hours.

The film flows well. Lots of action, an interesting plot and frankly this film was better than the latest Bond film. I give this one a recommendation for a theatrical viewing when it hits US cinemas.

Entertainment Value - 4.5 /5

Movie - 4/5

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