Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Tale of Despereaux

I read the book about 4 years ago and really enjoyed it for what it was. I had mixed feelings about a movie being made out of it and part of me was wishing for human and cgi stuff but instead it went with an odd animation choice for the humans but whatever. The story is kind of faithful I guess, from what I remember.

Besides the sub-par animation I think it holds up pretty well and should entertain kids but in a year with a lot of classics it's hard to really justify this one. I think that's why Coraline was pushed back into 2009 because the animated films this eyar either rocked hardcore or sucked a big one.

The Tale of Despereaux falls in the middle so while not worth a theatrical viewing, it might make a decent viewing on home video so wait until then to see it because Bolt is still playing which is easily the best animated film of the fall.

Entertainment value - 2.5 /5

Movie - 2.5 /5

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