Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Day the Earth Stood Still

I died a little inside when I heard this was being remade. I've seen, loved and own the original so unlike a few others in the world this one had to really impress me other it was another useless remake.

Reeves is the perfect monotone actor for an alien who just doesn't give a fuck. Too bad Jayden Smith has the acting talent of his mother. He sticks up the screen and should forever be banned from movie sets. Seriously, this kid can't act to save his life.

The special efefcts in this film are perhaps the only reason to really bother with it but unlike ID4 or MIB this isn't a very interesting film. It's very dry and rather predictable. The ending kind of sucks to but whatever.

Not a totally piece of shit but I'll recommend a dvd viewing and nothing else.

Entertainment value - 2.5 /5

Movie - 2.5 /5

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