Friday, December 19, 2008

Gran Torino (advance review)

Everyone knows I don't like Eastwood. I think he's a douchbag and untalented. Relying on nothing more than a twist to try and shock his viewers (Mystic River, that boxing movie, and now this).

Eastwood plays a hradass vet. His wife just died, he hates these god damn gooks who live near him and blah blah blah.

He saves a gook. the gook community is all like omg we love you long time blah blah blah.

So in the end he, who killed gooks in the war, now gives his everything for the gooks. Isn't that a deep movie? I use gook because that is what he calls them in the movie. Not just to others but to their face, even when he befriends them but you know what? That's okay! Because he's Clint Eastwood.

SO tomorrow while I'm out and I see a black person I'm going to call them a nigger or an asian a gook because it's okay. And this is where the movie fails. A film like American History X used it's themes to mold the characters and it isn't done in such a way in this one.

entertainment value - 1/5

movie - 1/5

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