Friday, December 26, 2008

Are You Scared 2 (advance DTV review)

I never saw the original and I don't think they are actually connected. However, what the fuck was this piece of shit? I know it's direct to video but this is worse than the shit that the Sci-Fi channel puts out.

Some friends join some cam online game gps hunt thing in the middle of nowhere. Tony Todd controls the cameras and some mad man is stalking them. It's a tedious movie, with camera work in vein of Diary of the Dead or Cloverfield. You know, one movie does it well and then everyone needs to do it.

This film doesn't even have good gore. Or acting or even footage. it looks like a video off of youtube. It's that badly done. I could probably make this movie in a weekend with some friends, a camera and some red cornstarch.

I don't recommend this film at all. One of the worst I've ever seen. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!!!

Entertainment Value - 0/5

Movie - 0/5

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