Thursday, December 25, 2008

Midnight Movie (bonus review)

This movie caught my eye. Sure I could be reviewing movies that count towards the blog but where's the fun in that? The idea is inetresting. A killer is some how sucked into a film and years later the film is shown again for the first time during a midnight showing at some rundown theater. He can then teleport in and out of the movie and kill people.

It sounds lame, I know but it keeps you on your toes ebcause you never know where or when the killer will appear. The gore is pretty good. The scares are kind of weak and the film within the film is a total ripoff of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

But still, our lead female is kind of hot, think taylor Swift and her curly hair (yum). And no one is exactly annoying. My favorite part is the burly guy bitching about the people ruining the movie with their talk. It's funny because the whole time is girlfriend is subtly giving him a blowjob (at first I thought she had vanished).

It's a decent rental for horror fans but I wouldn't buy it or anything. The ending comes from nowhere, almost as if they didn't know how to end the film.

Entertainment Value - 2.5 /5

Movie - 2.5 /5

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